Wisdom Teeth Removal York PA – What You Need to Know About Wisdom Teeth

by | Aug 26, 2013 | Dentists

Wisdom teeth are found at the very back of the mouth and are considered unnecessary teeth. They have nothing to do with how wise you are or your intelligence. Not everyone gets wisdom teeth, but those who do usually have them by the time they are 17 to 18 years old. These teeth can create problems later if they are left intact. Wisdom Teeth Removal York PA can help prevent problems with your other teeth. The following will address things you need to know about wisdom teeth.

Why are they called wisdom teeth? They were given that name since they are the final molars you get as an adult. It’s assumed that you are older, therefore wiser which is why they are called wisdom teeth. More than 50 percent of adults will have their wisdom teeth removed at some point in time. Many dentists today recommend extracting them as soon as the person gets them. This prevents future pain and surrounding tooth problems.

When wisdom teeth come in straight and there is plenty of room in your mouth for them, they usually cause no problems. However, most wisdom teeth come in crooked and create all kinds of pain and problems in the mouth. They can become impacted and infected. When this happens your dentist will recommend extraction. An impacted tooth is one that causes overcrowding in the mouth which leads to crooked teeth.

Oral surgeons are dental specialists that perform wisdom tooth extractions. This is because most of the time there are issues with these molars that create conditions where it’s easier to surgically remove them than to pull them. Wisdom teeth usually need to be broken and taken out in four pieces or more depending on the location and how they have grown into the jaw. No matter what the situation, an oral surgeon will know what to do.

After care instructions will be given to you so you can avoid problems after this surgery. You should avoid smoking and using a straw to drink to prevent a condition called dry socket which is very painful and can be very harmful. Bleeding may continue for a few hours, but if you experience excessive bleeding for more than 24 hours you need to go to the emergency room. Your dentist/oral surgeon will explain the details and risks of this surgery before you have it done.

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