Comparing Invisalign Vs. Traditional Braces in California MD

by | Oct 9, 2019 | Dentists

Anyone who has ever found that they have to be fitted for braces has most likely given the alternative to traditional braces, Invisalign a thought. Actually there are many advantages to using Invisalign over traditional braces. One of the main advantages and the most noticeable advantage is that you will not have to sport the “metal mouth” look that is associated with traditional braces. The other advantages will be discussed in this article.

Both traditional braces and invisalign are able to treat a wide array of problems such as crowding, spacing, crossbite, overbite and underbite. Both traditional braces and invisalign help to straighten your teeth as well as cost around $5,000 respectively.

There are many things that cannot be done with traditional braces that can in fact be done with invisalign. With invisalign in California MD, you will be able to eat what you want because you can remove the device whenever you wish. You are also able to enjoy your teeth becoming straighter without having to worry how you are going to floss your teeth. I remember trying to floss my teeth when I had braces and it can be a very difficult thing to do.

With invisalign you will only have to visit the orthodontist once every four to six weeks. With regular braces you are likely to have to visit the orthodontist at least once every couple of weeks. This will allow you to have more time on your hands to get things that you need to get done accomplished. Many people today have very busy schedules, so one less trip to the orthodontist can free up your schedule and make your life a little bit easier.

Have you ever had a teen to lose a piece or part of their braces only to have to pay to replace that very expensive part? Most likely you have had to deal with this before. With invisalign you will be provided up to six free replacement aligners in case of theft or loss of one of them. This is great news for those of you with not a lot of extra cash to throw out the window. Teenagers are notorious for losing things so it is a good idea to give invisalign a try if only for this reason alone.

Also you will not have to deal with any pain or mouth sores that can be associated with traditional braces. Invisalign is smooth and comfortable and in no way will be able to cause your mouth any sort of discomfort.

As I said before you or your child will be able to eat as you always have when you are being treated with invisalign. No need to stop eating popcorn or chewing gum. Why not give invisalign a try!

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