Services Offered By a Cosmetic Dentist In Itasca

by | Dec 18, 2020 | Dentistry

Over time teeth can lose their brightness. Sodas and other foods stain teeth, leaving them looking dull. Aged teeth can make a person look and feel older. Dark teeth can be embarrassing, and leave a person uncomfortable with showing their teeth when they smile. Many people have turned to a cosmetic dentist in Itasca to help get their teeth back to bright and white, which restores confidence in their looks and their smile.

A cosmetic dentist near Itasca can work with a patient on getting their teeth a dazzling white. This can be done in a dentist’s office using trays, strips, or a combination. In most cases, this will be done in two visits. The first visit is used to fit your teeth. An impression or mold will be taken, and custom trays will be made to fit your mouth perfectly. The second visit is when the patient will use the trays, along with a whitening agent, to get that white smile they have been dreaming of. One of the newest ways to whiten teeth is using a procedure and product called Zoom.

Other services offered by a cosmetic dentist in Itasca include porcelain crowns, inlays, veneers, and inlays. This is dental work that says goodbye to that ugly shiny metal and hello to a mouth that looks all-natural. The porcelain products are matched to your current teeth color, and no one can tell that you have had work done on your mouth. Your smile can look perfect, just the way it did before. Dental implants are also done by a cosmetic dentist in Itasca.

These are fake teeth that look just like real teeth. They stay in permanently, unlike dentures, and look completely natural. People will never be able to tell that you were missing a tooth or teeth and that the teeth in your mouth are actually implants.

Services offered by a cosmetic dentist in Itasca is all about restoring a beautiful mouth and a person’s confidence. They go beyond basic care and use specialty products to make dental work appear invisible. This is great for anyone who just isn’t happy with their current smile.

Visit Brian Homann, DDS for more information about cosmetic dentists in Itasca.

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