The Process of Dental Implants in Newport Beach

by | Oct 7, 2022 | Dentists

Dental implants in Newport Beach are artificial teeth replacements made of a material called titanium. It is shaped like a screw, and made up of three different parts – the screw, the abutment and the crown covering. The screw is made of titanium for a reason – it is capable of osseo-integrating with the bone in the jaw.

Phase One — Dental Implant

Dental implants in Newport Beach are considered to be a surgery of sorts. The gum tissue has to be prepared by opening it enough to expose the bone. There are times when the bone has deteriorated so much that a bone graft is necessary for success. If this is done, the bone graft has to heal before the rest of the procedure can be completed

The next part of the procedure consists of the dentist putting a metal screw directly into the jaw bone. Something called an “abutment”, made of zirconium, is screwed onto the metal screw. The dentist will have to put on a temporary aesthetic covering till the metal screw takes hold in a process called osseo-integration. This time frame varies with different individuals but generally anywhere from three to nine months. Any stitches that were used in the gums will be taken out seven to fourteen days after surgery.

Phase Two – Implant Restoration

After the metal screws have taken hold and the dentist feels the healing process is complete, the next phase of commences. The temporary aesthetic covering is removed, and a permanent crown is put on the abutment. The crown, of course, has to match the surrounding teeth in color so it needs to have translucent property to it. The crown is cemented into place, and will match the natural teeth exactly.

Why Dental Implants?

Dental implants in Newport Beach are more aesthetically appealing and user-friendly than dentures. The overall comfort of the implant cannot be compared with the discomfort of ill-fitting dentures. The implant is put where teeth are missing, leaving the healthy teeth intact. If one uses a partial or a bridge, it has to be grounded in a healthy tooth and has the potential of loosening or weakening the anchor tooth. Contact Smrecek Dentistry to schedule a dental appointment by calling us at (949) 759-8606.

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