What Can I Expect While Undergoing Teeth Whitening Treatments?

by | Jun 4, 2019 | Dental Services

You’ve considered the ideas of having professional teeth whitening treatments for some time. Now that you’ve decided to move forward, it helps to have an idea of what to expect. Here are some of the basics that your dentist will tell you and that you are likely to experience personally during your teeth whitening treatment in Columbia MD.

Some People Notice a Difference Immediately

It’s not unusual for people to need several treatments in order to achieve the best results. Even so, there’s a good chance that you will notice a difference after the very first treatment. See that as a promise of things to come.

The Dental Team is Monitoring Your Teeth

One of the major benefits of undergoing a professional teeth whitening treatment in Columbia MD is that the dental team is monitoring the condition of your teeth throughout the process. It’s not just to determine if the treatment is having an effect. The team is also interested in making sure the treatments are not having an adverse effect on your teeth. Remember that there is more than one way to whiten teeth; it one approach is not right for you, there are alternatives that your dentist will recommend.

You Are Unlikely to Notice Any Discomfort

While there is some potential for sensitivity during and immediately after a teeth whitening treatment in Columbia MD, most patients do not report any issues at all. Even so, your dentist will mention that there is some chance of experiencing short-term sensitivity when you drink beverages that are hot or iced. Those who do notice some degree of sensitivity generally confirm that it fades after a day or two.

Talk with your dentist about the whitening treatments, the method that will be used, and what you can expect based on the current condition of your teeth. Move forward with a few treatments and see what you think. There’s a good chance that your smile will look better than it has in quite a few years.

For routine dental care, you can visit Preferred Dental.

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