What to Do When Your Gums Start Bleeding

by | Feb 3, 2017 | Dentists

You get up in the morning, floss, brush your teeth then you notice there is blood your mouth, and your gums are bleeding. No big deal, right? It is just a little bit of blood. Wrong. Any amount of blood when you are flossing or brushing your teeth is an indicator of gum disease which can rot your teeth, erode your jawbone, and cause bleeding and swollen gums. So, what can you do if you notice your gums are bleeding when your brush?

Replace Your Toothbrush

If your toothbrush has seen better days, then it may be time to replace it. A worn out toothbrush will not remove plaque as well as a new one and is more likely to leave plaque along your gum line which will turn in tartar in time and cause irritation and bleeding. This leads to an increase in gum disease which causes increased bleeding.

Floss More

When it comes to making sure you prevent gum disease, flossing is one of the most important steps you can take. A large percentage of the surface area of your teeth is hidden and can’t be cleaned with a brush. This is where flossing comes in. It allows you to reach those areas a toothbrush just can’t get to.


Mouthwash is something many people choose to forego, opting instead to simply floss and brush. While there is not anything wrong with this approach, adding mouthwash will help reduce gum disease and keep your teeth nice and strong. When choosing a mouthwash try to avoid ones with alcohol as these can dry out your mouth and lead to bad breath later.

When you notice your gums are bleeding there are a few steps you should take to correct the issue. The most important step in preventing gum disease is proper oral hygiene.  If you have tried these steps, but are still experiencing bleeding gums, treatment is available at your dentist. Contact National Periodontics today for more information.

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